Art / Faith

My Dear Girl

My Dear Girl,


I love You. 

I want you to hear 

that through and through, 


It’s not your hair 

it’s not your shoes 

it’s not your makeup 

it’s not your youth 

it’s not your weight  

it’s not your wounds 


Your heart dear friend 

is what defines you 

It’s not who you wear 

It’s not who you choose 


Your worth is in you 

You are a precious treasure 

God gave you a heart 

Worth more than rubies by measure 

The definition you seek  

that you endeavour to find 

doesn’t come from the earth 

but from God’s Spirit inside 


It’s your heart 

It’s your hope 

It’s your grace 

It’s your role 

It’s your dignity 

But mostly, it’s your Soul 


God loves you. 

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