Faith / Opinion

Testimonies of CCU – Allie Jamison

Allie Jamison, a freshman here at Colorado Christian University and Colorado native, grew up in the church. “On paper I accepted Jesus when I was four. I didn’t really understand what it meant.” She told me.

In 6th or 7th grade, Allie went to a Christian summer camp. During this time, things started to change in her family life. Not only that, but her brother was having some issues in the public school system. Home “became an unpleasant place to be.” But, at summer camp, Allie found herself wrestling with what to do with her family situations. She talked with a counselor about what was going on but found the night that changed her the most was the blindfolded worship night. “I heard God speak to me,” she shared. “I felt a sense of ‘it’s going to be okay. That was really eye opening for me.” That week Allie re-devoted her life to Christ.

In high school, she found herself starting to struggle with mental health. “I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I had tried to get diagnosed with ADHD in high school.” She went through most of high school undiagnosed until senior year where she finally received some medication for ADHD. Home life still wasn’t much better for Allie. Her brother had just moved out to go to college and that created a strange family dynamic.

Allie attended summer camp again and a speaker had passed around blank note cards and asked that the crowd write down what they felt was holding them back. She said she had written down something about her parents but realized later that wasn’t what God wanted her to write.
After camp, Allie went home and talked with her youth pastor. She realized God was calling her to ministry. She then received an internship at the church in the tech team and realized that even something like tech team could impact others.

At school, friends told Allie that she was the only Christian they tolerated. She was told she was nonjudgmental and didn’t force opinions and beliefs on others. She told me she saw a problem with how the church handles things, and she wants to be a person that can be there for those who need someone. “I wanna show those werido kids that there is a place for them in the church.” Allie said.

Thank you for sharing, Allie!

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