Faith / Opinion

Seeking Eternity

“Though the grass withers and the flowers fade, the Word of our Lord remains forever.”  Isaiah 40:8


Everything that you see will eventually fade away. From the tallest buildings and the smallest grains of sand, to your health and career; it will all perish. Everything about this world is lacking permanence: your achievements, possessions, physical body, and so on. But God’s Word is eternal. It goes beyond your current circumstances, thoughts, health, and emotions. It remains constant and unchanging amidst the chaos of a sin-stained life.

While the Evil One longs for you to chase after the desires of your flesh, God wants to satisfy your deepest need. It is easy to get caught up in worldly patterns, even with things that are inherently good. For example, I love nature and outdoor activities. From hiking and backpacking to skiing and jumping off of waterfalls, creation has a place in my heart. I used to think that I was spending time with God simply by being in his creation. And while that may be true to some extent, there is a difference between experiencing a reflection of God’s character through the good that he has made and experiencing it directly by being in his presence. The latter requires commitment and intentionality. After reading Isaiah 40:8, I quickly recognized that I had built a relationship with God’s creation instead of with God himself. I wanted to know God deeply, beyond a mere reflection. So, I made a habit of seeking Him daily. When I desired joy, I sang songs of praise. When I needed peace, I prayed. Instead of immediately turning to nature and adventure for comfort, I resolved to consult God’s Word first. This was difficult. I had to constantly fight the worldly thoughts and desires in my head, just to spend time with the One that gave me life. But it was in denying myself (those inner thoughts and impulsive desires) that I found true freedom and hope.

The world and its insatiable solutions will come to an end, but the Word will remain. With God’s Word—Jesus—as your foundation, you can live a life of purpose and joy. 

The question remains: Do you want to live your life for something temporary or eternal?



For a Deeper Study: 

Matthew 7:24-25, John 8:31-32, James 1:21-27, Isaiah 5:21, John 1:1, 1 John 4:4



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