Jesus Has Scars Too – A Review
Jesus has scars, too is a collection of poetry by author Jessica Jean. It is a book for anyone struggling with self-harm, depression, anxiety, and self-worth. Jessica’s book has a great rhythm, starting with the chapter “breaking.” This section consists of poetry about heart breaks, love, hurt, and one’s past. One of her poems is called “hello” and it reads:
“If I could go back to when I met you,
I would
Saying ‘goodbye’ would have been the best thing for me to say
After ‘hello’”
She is an incredible writer and expresses her emotion through each poem. We see this pattern of heart break through the first chapter. Moving on to the second chapter, “growing,” Jessica writes about healing and moving on. Her poems show that regret has turned into growth. In her poem called “through” she says:
“I see now
That all I went through
To get here
Was worth it
Because without it
Who would I be?
Certainly not me”
This poem expresses such emotion, it makes me feel grateful for all I went through to get me here today. Jessica does a great job of making her audience feel as if the poem is about them. Each poem hit me directly, I related to each one in a way and found a way to see my own life in it. Jessica’s third chapter is called “loving.” This chapter brings the poetry book full circle, as the reader feels self-worth and hope. This chapter is about understanding your worth and finding restoration and true love in Jesus. She wrote a poem called “I need you” and it goes:
“I need you
Like a fish needs water
And a baby needs its mother
Like a football plated needs his team
I need you
Like a bride needs her dress
And a child needs their blanket
Like a musician needs their instrument
I need you
Like I need the air that I breathe”
This poem reminds me of my own faith and how I need the Lord in every minute of my day, and in every breath that I take.
I love this collection of poetry because it starts with hurt and pain, moves to healing, then finally comes to self-love and restoration. Jessica’s title is “Jesus has scars, too” which is extremely fitting for this book. Our scars show our healing and ultimately, grow us closer to the Lord.