CCU News / Faith / Sports and Outdoors

More Than Just An Athlete – A Story of Values 

In the Fall or 2023 and Spring of 2024, Caiden was a senior on the men’s soccer team and watched the program grow and change over the years he had been here. Caiden had played football growing up until his friends convinced him to play soccer in high school. He ended up loving the game and his aggressive, defensive mindset from football helped him succeed as a defender in soccer. While he loved the feeling of playing, the bond with his teammates was unbeatable.  

 At CCU, he had a tough first season when the team had a losing record but he says the program had a vital mindset shift that has helped them succeed. Caiden enjoyed seeing the team and himself grow as he got to express his aggressive and defensive mindset while playing and making meaningful connections with his teammates. Caiden describes the team as a brotherhood who share values of hard work and morals that work well together on the field because of it.  

Caiden’s dad attended the Air Force Academy and now serves as a cop. Following a service-minded path, Caiden majored in criminal justice and intends to become a firefighter. He accredits his family for the strong values he has been able to express in sports and cultivate in his life. Nothing means more to him than working hard and serving others in the ways that he can. A Bible verse that Caiden says displays his passion for serving others is Matthew 9:12-13, “Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’”  

 Caiden has seen the opportunity through his dad’s career and also wants to be able to protect those around him who may not have the means to protect themselves. He has a generous and serving heart but a hardworking and aggressive attitude to guide him toward his future.  


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