Get to Know Your New Student Body President
George Cecil Profile – Written in collaboration with Emma Adame’s photography
This February, the students at Colorado Christian University elected King Cougar winner George Cecil as Student Body President for the 2024-2025 school year.
While we watched him in King Cougar, saw his campaign video in the chapel, and scrolled through his memes circulating on our Instagram feeds, we still wanted to know: Who is George Cecil, and what made him run for president?
So, we sat down and asked him.
Why CCU?
“I had full rides to two or three universities, which is really cool, but they just don’t have the community CCU has, and they don’t have what I wanted to get out of college.”
George Cecil is a Junior and Business Administration major from Macky, Idaho.
While on a family road trip during his senior year, George’s family visited CCU, and he was drawn to the way of life on campus.
He had a desire for a good Christian community in college, and he knew he could find it here. He knew that he wanted his college experience to be a time of spiritual growth.
“When I came to CCU, I was an extreme introvert. So, I would just say put yourself out there and meet new people because life is all about who you know, not necessarily what you know.”
Coming from a small town in Idaho of 450 people, CCU was a big jump for George. As a freshman, he set out to meet three new people every day and remember their names, and he’s stuck to this. His advice for new students is to take advantage of the community on campus and put themselves out there.
George is grateful for the opportunity to be at CCU in a large community of like-minded believers and for academics that push him in his faith.
Why Senate?
“I was never really interested in politics in high school. I always kind of thought it was like a rat race.”
Despite an initial lack of intrigue in politics, George became involved after success at Boys State one summer. After winning a few trips to Washington, D.C., he realized he had a knack for political engagement.
With this success, He felt the Lord might be calling him into politics.
Right now, he is answering that call.
He has previously been involved in Senate on campus and is acting as Senator of Campus Ministries during the 2023-2024 school year. This position allows him to advocate for students within campus ministries.
As student body president next year, he will have the opportunity to communicate student needs directly to the university president and Board of Trustees.
What’s Next?
Running for president at Colorado Christian University allows George to gain experience in running a campaign, managing a team, and learning to be a good leader so that one day, he can run for office.
In 5 years, George hopes to run for senator of Idaho. And, in 10 years, he hopes to run for governor of Idaho.
Now that we know more about his heart for his new position, we are so excited to see what George accomplishes in his term as student body president. The Lord is equipping him to lead on our campus and, in turn, lead within our nation’s government.
We are encouraged by George’s hope for his upcoming term,
I think I want to be known as faithful. Faithful in what I’m doing and faithful to the Lord. Faithful to my friends and my family. So, yeah, if people remember me, I hope faithful is what they remember.
Photography by Emma Adame