50 Students for 50 States: Colorado
What is your name?
Kailyn Jonswold.
Which state are you from?
Have you lived there your whole life?
No, I haven’t. I was born in Bandung, Indonesia. I moved to Colorado Springs when I was six and I’ve lived here ever since.
Describe your state in three words.
Outdoorsy, sunny, and mountainous.
Are you proud of being from your home state? Why or why not?
Yes, I am. I feel like when you talk to other people and you say you’re from Colorado you get automatic cool points because it’s such a pretty state that people want to visit.
How did growing up in your state affect your childhood?
I appreciate hiking and the outdoors a lot. I think because I grew up in Colorado, I appreciate my surroundings more.
What kind of local traditions did your town have?
We had a hot air balloon festival every year. People would travel from all over to see it. You would go early in the morning to see the balloons and the sunrise balloons. I only went once but it was super fun.
There’s a rock in your choc.
What was the culture like in your home state or town?
I feel like a lot of my friends were very outdoorsy and loved to hike. I think that was a very common theme in the Springs. There were also a lot of people that didn’t fit that stereotype, but you were definitely cooler if you went hiking and camping and things like that. There was a high value on the outdoors compared to other things. Also, sports were a very important part of the high school experience.
What kind of relationship did you have with your neighbors?
I met our neighbors directly to the left of us on the day we moved in. They had a girl who was a few years older than me. We became really close friends and we played together for years and years. I really didn’t have any other friends in my neighborhood. There were a lot of rentals so people would come and go.
I get automatic cool points from being from Colorado.
What was your favorite thing to do in your home state or town?
When it’s warm, I like to go up to a lookout spot in the Garden of the Gods and watch the sunset. It is so pretty. I also love to go on drives and walks when it’s warm. I especially love walking through Ute Valley, which is a little hiking area near my house.
Are there any foods that your state is famous for?
Bison burgers. I actually don’t know if we’re famous for that. I just know that we have them.
Is there any slang from your home state that you use frequently?
There’s a rock in your choc. The Springs instead of the Colorado Springs. FOCO instead of Fort Collins.
Do you have any local celebrities?
Apparently Amy Adams grew up in Castle Rock. There’s no one else, but Amy Adams man, that’s a pretty good one.
What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your home state?
My favorite part of Colorado is the scenery, especially the closer you get into the mountains. I love how sunny it is; there’s like 300 days of sun every year. I love how the Springs is a city but it doesn’t feel too big. I love small mountain towns. The people are so nice and fun to interact with up in the mountains. The towns are very rugged and vibey.
My least favorite part of Colorado is Denver. I don’t like the city. Colorado is just ‘meh’ when you’re not near the mountains. Also, sometimes the altitude sucks.
We’re all high on pot.
What drew you to CCU / made you want to stay in state?
Staying close to the mountains was a big perk. I think I’m slightly disappointed that CCU isn’t as close to the mountains as I thought it was. But I am really glad I stayed in Colorado. I think I would miss that home feeling of home if I left the state to go to school.
How has living in a different part of Colorado changed your lifestyle?
Denver is much more of a city so it doesn’t feel as outdoorsy. So I haven’t participated in as many outdoors activities as I did in the Springs.
If someone were to visit your home state, what would you recommend they do?
Definitely go to Rocky Mountain National Park; that’s a classic. There’s beautiful hikes and scenery. Then head down to the Springs. There’s some really eclectic places like Manitou, Old Colorado City, and Downtown Springs. There’s also Garden of the Gods and the Broadmoor. Go to Leadville, get yourself a Melly. It’s a Colorado thing.
After graduation, do you plan on staying in Colorado or going somewhere else?
I don’t know. I definitely would not stay in Denver. If I stayed in Colorado, I would go down to the Springs or somewhere else. If not Colorado, I would go to the East Coast or overseas. Maybe the Carolinas.
What are the most common stereotypes about your state and are they true?
We’re all high on pot. I mean, there’s a lot of high people so it’s pretty true. Another stereotype is that we are all so outdoorsy. People think that we always wear the name brand clothing and are always canyoneering and backpacking. This is true for a select few but most people are pretty normal and just enjoy hiking. Also ‘granola girls’ with the Cotopaxi fanny packs and Hydro Flasks and the Columbia hiking boots.
What is the most common reaction you get when you tell people where you’re from?
It’s almost always a positive reaction when I tell people I’m from Colorado. I feel like I get automatic cool points from being from Colorado.
What is something surprising about your state that most people don’t know?
I think people would be surprised to know that if you drive away from the mountains it looks more like Nebraksa. It’s very farmy and there’s a lot of big open, flat fields.